Addressing Complications Stemming From Divorce and Separation
Divorce proceedings in and of themselves can be complicated and challenging matters to deal with. When business ownership is involved, divorce proceedings can become overwhelming issues to deal with alone. Fortunately, with the assistance of an experienced lawyer, you may be able to find the resolutions and closure you need to move on, without harm befalling your business or your financial well being.
At the Law Office of David C. Franklin, our attorney leverages nearly 24 years of legal experience to offer assertive yet understanding divorce representation to clients in Durham, North Carolina, and throughout the Triangle. With your best interests in mind, our staff works diligently to offer you the advice you need to make the most educated decisions possible on how to approach your unique situation.
To learn more about our divorce services, contact our office online or call 919-797-9580 or toll free 866-654-5117 today.

Experienced Support Throughout Your Divorce Proceedings
Divorce proceedings in which one spouse has run a business for a number of years, while the other spouse stayed at home to help raise children can be challenging to address. In this context, both spouses may have significant concerns, including:
- How to value the business
- How the business’s value will be apportioned among the parties
- How to allow the business to survive as a means of income while getting divorced on fair terms
In these cases, as well as similar situations involving high asset values, our staff works diligently to provide the experienced and effective advice you need to protect your business venture and the equity you have worked so hard to create.
Our comprehensive guidance provides the necessary tools for finding an amicable split between both parties. Our knowledge of family law, combined with a background in business transactions and tax planning allows us to address the details of your divorce, including the division of marital assets and buyouts or partnership dissolutions.
Marriage Rules in North Carolina
Requirements: No blood test required. You must be of the age of consent, not be too closely related to your intended spouse, not be married to anyone else, and have sufficient mental capacity, meaning you understand what you are doing when you marry. You can marry immediately after your marriage license is issued, and your license is good for 60 days. For more details, check your county clerk’s office.
- Common law marriage: No.
- Community property: No.
- Same-sex marriage: Yes.
North Carolina Divorce Rules
Grounds for divorce: Fault or no-fault grounds are allowed, or you can base your divorce on the fact that you’ve been separated from your spouse for at least one year.
Residency requirement: At least one spouse must be a resident of North Carolina for six months before filing for divorce.
North Carolina Courts and Other Family Law Resources
North Carolina court information and family law forms:
Family services section of North Carolina website: